
zondag 1 juli 2012

Day 249 - Part 1 - Accidents and computers.

I haven't been updating much lately, sorry about that.
So Alice broke her foot Tuesday and didn't notice 'til yesterday (smart kid). I went over and brought her flowers and we talked about mainly her boyfriend. I think they're really cute together. Ali thinks I keep saying adorable things. (We were eating candy piggies, and I said "take a pig, they're really piggy".)
I've been catching up on glee lately. I missed all of last season because of fashion class, but I have time to catch up on things now.
I went to the doctor too. For my nosebleeds. He said it's just a swollen vein, no big deal, I need to get some ointment and put that on there and that's it.
And I'm scared. I'm so freaking scared. Lin's been talking to me again lately, but things aren't going quite right. Her bf has been an ass and I think he dumped her, though I'm not really sure. I'm just so afraid to talk about heavy subjects with her, fearing we'll have a fight and it'll really be the final time we'll ever speak, or the final time she'll ever speak to anyone. I've been wondering if I should call her parents but I won't, because I promised her not to and I keep to that promise.
Pinkie promise, remember?
I just hope she can forgive me for, well, for being me, selfish and thoughtless and mean, and I hope she will be happy again. I'd love to help her finding that happiness, but if she bans me from her life, I'll have to live with that. I'm still worrying, every single day.

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