I knew yesterday was a good day... But it keeps getting better. Online since yesterday:
And I just love that song ^^
Anyways, my mind was all blanked out on Dennis today. I really don't have a clue how Emi can still be focussed in school with her boyfriend sitting next to her in all possible lessons. I already can't focus when my boyfriend is a few 100 km away D:
Emi walked up to me this morning, and I was sitting in front of the classroom, against a wall, waiting for the teacher to upen up the door and let the boring schoolday begin, and she pulled me up and gave me the biggest, most awesome hug I think I've ever gotten from her, and whispered "I'm so happy for you" in my ear. And all I could do was hug back and have a smile that's so big I thought it wouldn't fit on my face. So then we were having this HUGE - really, I'm serious, no kidding - conversation in three words, and her boyfriend and the other people around the table were looking at us like "Are you still sane or shall I help you find your lost mind?" And we were just sitting there, smiling, talking in half words, and perfectly understanding everything the other said. Or thought, that is, because we didn't really say that much.
So I was all dreamy and gone today, had a screaming friend for telling her I've got a boyfriend (and THANKS, not the entire school needs to know, darling). Good thing I didn't tell her his name right away, because then I wouldn't have been able to stop her from telling things. She's not so much of a secret teller, but sometimes she just overreacts in a happy hyper way. It is cute to see, though ^^
And Diana was all happy for me and we were writing notes in French class and both having huge smiles on our faces and talking in half sentences no one understands and we got all these weird looks and even though she isn't so much of a weird-random-dancing-party-time freak like me, neither of us cared.
And, as promised, I spammed Dennis with teksts. I hope you don't mind, darling ^^
And IF you do, too bad, I won't give up spamming people that easily. Especially not if they're as perfect as you ;)
And now Jimmy's making me crazy all the way. She's going on about how cute we are together (I must admit, I like the sound of "we" and "together") and going caps mode all the time. I miss him so much as it is already, you crazy girl. Thursdays suck. They take too long :(
So I'm still afraid to tell my parents. I want to yell his name atthe top of my lungs, and talking to my mum, who'll be giving me unnessecary and unasked advise, I want my dad's stupid jokes, I want my sister's mysterious expressions and her constant reminding me of her having a boyfriend for way longer than me and how cute she will look at my wedding. But I can't, for fear of losing the one I love the most in this world.
But he just came online right now, so I'll be off talking to my perfect stranger <3
IloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyou loads and loads and loads. Just so you know, my dear Dennis <3
"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be." - Douglas Adams
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible." - Walt Disney
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