
woensdag 9 mei 2012

Day 197 - Part 1 - I hate waiting.

So I can't start on my list yet because the days haven't started, and there's actually some things I really want to start on :/
But, I can rant all I wants about the letter I sent Dennis, since that has arrived. So I was in a very ADHD-y mood, it was past midnight, holidays, and I almost had to go back to school. So what is it I do? Exactly. Write my boyfriend a letter.
With tiny drawings spreading all over the paper, random remarks, a piece of extra paper taped to it because I was out of paper, weird notes, hyper writing and making no sense at all.
And I made pictures of a lot of drawings :D
I won't bore you with those all, so I'll just post this one ;)

Oh, and

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