
dinsdag 15 mei 2012

Day 203 - Part 1 - Drama 101

I hate being overemotional. I've had a shortage of sleep like, forever, but I'm actually starting to notice it now. I'm being a total bitch to my sister (I'm sorry little sis D:), I get angry over the tinyest of things, my spelling's totally floppy (as you may have noticed), and I suddenly cry.
And not just cry, CRY. I mean the long, weeping, out-of-breath, terrible noises cry. It's so annoying -.-'
And once I've started, everything starts to shake (including me) and I just CAN'T stop. I hate that.
So I baked 2 cakes today, totally awesome, and I already knew I was short on time and low on ingredients. So what do I do? After 2 hours of decorating, I drop one. Ful outburst of tears, cake all over the floor, me in rocking tears, and then my brother (who can be totally sweet and awesome) came down and heard me rant and then went downstairs to clean up the kitchen for me. It all turned out pretty fine though, and both girls loved their cakes.
The good part is, I made another 2 goals. That's 3 in 4 days, I'm really proud of me :D

I'm a walking wreckage, YAY! :D (And no, that's not sarcasm, I'm so darn tired that being a walking wreckage sounds like the better option.)

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